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CO₂ Mobility
Personalized visualization about the sustainability of individual mobility
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
TasksConceptDesignData VisualizationFontend development

In the context of the research project LoCobSS for the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, I developed two prototypes together with Sebastian Meier to show data-driven storytelling approaches tailored to users. The personalization is intended to show direct references to the readers' lifeworld, especially for otherwise abstract topics. The interactive application shows users how sustainable their travel habits are. The application increases awareness for personal mobility and shows tangible comparisons to make the topic of CO₂ consumption more accessible. I developed the concept, designed the application and implemented it in code. The data comes from Umweltbundesamt and OpenStreetMap.

Visualization of mobility radii for entered postal codes and mobility type
Visualization of mobility radii for entered postal codes and mobility type
Chart showing CO2 comparison between airports and other forms of mobility
Chart showing CO2 comparison between airports and other forms of mobility
Chart showing the development of CO₂ emissions over time for different sectors
Chart showing the development of CO₂ emissions over time for different sectors
Share of private car emissions in transport
Share of private car emissions in transport